Thursday, April 17, 2014

Gwen the Entertainer

Gwen keeps me on my toes! She has personality plus and has us laughing all the time. She loves to dress up (when I can get her to wear clothes), she loves to wear jewelry and high heels and she loves purses. As you can see, we rarely make it to the end of the day without her ripping her pigtails out. But I do try...
I was doing the dishes the other night and she came downstairs and said, "Wook, Mommy!" This wasn't what I was expecting to see when I turned around. 8 purses all at once. She cracks me up!!

 Gwen can almost always be found with a microphone. She loves to sing!! Especially any song from Frozen. Her other favorite songs include "On the Open Road" from the Goofy Movie, Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam, Popcorn Popping, and Once there was a Snowman". She also loves I am a Child of God. But since I sing that to her at bedtime, whenever we sing it other than bedtime, she lays down-which is actually pretty funny to watch and makes Adam and Tessa laugh hysterically. She does that in Nursery too. 
 If you come to our house, this will probably be what you see-Gwen watching Frozen (while standing right in front of the TV), microphone in hand and singing with Elsa at the top of her lungs. 
Some days, having a 2 year old is the best!! Other days...not so much. But, we are thankful for her fun and cute personality that lights up our family and home!

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