Thursday, April 3, 2014

Our 4th Little Miracle

I have been so excited and nervous for my ultrasound. Ever since Tessa, there is a part of me that dreads ultrasounds. I'm so afraid of getting bad news. With that fear comes the excitement of seeing my baby and hopefully finding out boy or girl. 
Eric was able to take the day off yesterday and we headed up to the doctors office first thing yesterday morning for the big event. As I watched the monitor as the technician began, I quickly scanned the screen to see if I could find the most important things-head, 2 arms, 2 legs, 4 heart chambers, spine. All there-now I relaxed a bit and anxiously listened as the Tech point out everything on our beautiful baby. This was probably the most thorough ultrasound I have ever had, but we got the worst pictures from it. The baby was in the perfect position for us to see all the organs, so that was nice.  The baby is measuring right on track, the brain, heart, kidneys, bladder, and everything else we checked looks perfect. It is so amazing to me that you can watch the blood flow in the heart. Thank goodness for our amazing technology!
We were able to find out that we are having another BOY!!! We couldn't be happier and I am so excited for Adam to have his little brother. 
Mostly, we are so grateful to be able to welcome another perfect little baby into our family. It is overwhelming to me at times to think about the responsibility I have been given as a mother to care for and teach these little spirits. Heavenly Father has been so good to us and for that we are so very, very thankful!
 This was the best profile shot we could get of the baby. My placenta is up there above the head and chest. That was good news!
 Little baby foot!
 Here is a shot of the baby looking straight at us. you can see the eye sockets and nose and mouth. He was moving his mouth a lot right here. So fun to watch that. 
We couldn't get him to uncross his legs when we were trying to figure out the gender. Finally he moved and "saluted" us. That makes me 4 for 4! I knew this was our little boy and the kids are so excited! We are 95% sure we have our name. We are still discussing middle names. Although, after listening to some of the kids ideas at dinner last night, I told everyone that I have total veto power and get the last say!
I picked up the kids from school and greeted them with a bunch of blue balloons. They were so, so excited! When I asked Tessa yesterday morning if she hoped it was a boy or a girl she said, "I hope it's a boy cause I'm being nice to Adam. Besides, I already have a little sister." So Tess was happy for Adam and is already planning on being my good little helper with the baby. Gwen still has no idea about what is going on and was really bugged when we interrupted her Frozen time to take some pictures. 
Love these kids and can't wait to add one more cute little boy to our bunch!!

1 comment:

April said...

so excited for you :) Loved your post--I love reading all of them, just don't log in to post :) congratulations!!!! All these fun new cousins--and John will have lots of cousins to play with. So excited!!