Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Summer of Fun-Week 5 and the 4th of July

Last week ended up being kind of a bummer week as far as our summer plans went. I started getting sick on Sunday and then woke up Monday morning to a full blown, awful cold, which turned into a horrible cough, which turned into a sinus infection. Needless to stay, most of our plans for the week got thrown out the window so I could try and rest. Thankfully, I have taught my kids from a young age how to entertain themselves and they were good about playing at home while I tried to take it easy. 
Monday, a good portion of the day was spent with building blocks. Gwen loves to build towers and Adam and Tessa spent a couple of hours building different Nation Monuments-like this one. This was the Lincoln Memorial. Then they stole my phone and had fun changing all the picture settings. 

Tuesday they wanted a crazy hair day. Tessa wanted 8 ponytails like an octopus and Adam wanted to see if we could get his hair in any ponytails. 

More tower building.

Sometimes these girls play together so well and other times they fight ferociously! Thankfully, this week they got along pretty well. They spent most of Tuesday afternoon playing together. First they played cats, then they played dress up and put on some shows for me. 

Gwen-the Princess Dragon

Adam watched more of the World Cup.
Eric was wonderful and came home after a long days work (he's been having to leave for work by 5 every morning lately and still getting home around 6) and playing with the kids so I could rest. We've had soccer fever around here, so they spent a couple of evenings playing soccer with Dad. 

Wednesday rolled around and I felt horrible for keeping my kids stuck inside for 2 days. So, I packed a picnic lunch for the kids and a bunch of tissues for me and we headed to the splash pad for a bit. 

Gwen wasn't overly interested in getting wet. Especially since there were cheetos to eat!
Tessa likes to eat her cheetos like corn on the cob. 
They loved getting wet and I loved watching the pure joy on their faces.

Adam kept playing air football. That's him holding his football and running through the fountain. 
Gwen just ran around the outside and wouldn't go near any water. 

It was starting to get very hot when we started to pack up and then the seagulls started attacking, so we headed home. (Tessa took this picture of the seagull).
The kids also finished their Lego Movie script. It's like 8 pages long, so I told Adam I would put it in his scrapbook rather than on the blog. They got pretty creative, I must say!
Wednesday night, Daddy took the kids to the church to ride bikes for a bit. 

Thursday morning I got the kids up super early and we headed to Provo to see the hot air balloons. This is one of our favorite 4th of July traditions. We ran into Ma and Pa while we were there! The wind was not cooperating, so we only saw a couple balloons get up in the air. Gwen loved the balloons, but hated the fire. 

Friday was the 4th of July! One of our favorite days of the year! We went to the parade first thing in the morning and although it was insanely hot, we had a fun time! Gwen had a rough time at first. She does not like the poppers the kids were throwing. It took us a long time to get her to sit down and enjoy the parade. 

They collected so many things this year. Especially candy!

Ma and Pa were good about distracting Gwen from all the "scary noises", as she kept saying. 

Adam and Tessa both got to break boards with their hands this year. 

And then we saw the Anna and Elsa!! The girls were so excited!! We didn't get to say hi to Elsa, but Anna came over and gave both the girls a hug! I wish we had a picture of Gwen's face. She was thrilled!!!

Tessa got a ruler from some float and decided to measure Uncle Danny's tattoo.

This years Grand Marshall was Noelle Pickus-Pace from the Olympics. We were excited to get to see her. 

I didn't get the camera focused fast enough, but that's Jimmer behind Adam's hand. 

Cheering for our Cougars!
Post parade. We were all hot and ready for naps!
We headed up to Ma and Pa's in the afternoon for a yummy bbq. Tessa was hard at work helping Aunt Dee make the homemade root beer. 

We wanted to have sort of an early night because of Adam's big day on Saturday, so we stayed at Ma and Pa's for fireworks. Gwen was not at all happy about this. She kept telling us, "Too noisy!!!" But, she survived and even watched a few. 

We are glad Uncle David is back to do his famous interpretive dancing during the fireworks. 

Saturday was Adam's big day. It was a busy day, but everything went smoothly and we were so happy to have our family here to spend such a special occasion with us. We also took the kids to the Bean Museum and out for Kong Cones. Tessa insisted on trying one too. Needless to say, most of their ice cream had to come home to get eaten the next day. 

Adam finished the Harry Potter series last week, so he finished off his big day by getting to stay up late and watch the final movie with Mommy and Daddy. He loved it and Mommy even stayed awake through the whole thing!

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