Friday, April 3, 2015

A Look Back at March

March was another busy, happy and exhausting month. Well, exhausting for Mommy. Here's a quick look at some things that happened during March.
We woke up on March 1st to snow! The kids were so excited! Tessa ran out in her pajamas and played for a bit. We were sad to see it melt by the afternoon. We are bummed about our lame winter this year.

Adam's class finished up their unit on the 13 Colonies and had a fun Culminating Activity where they made butter, wrote letters with quill pens, made silhouettes, and they did a few other things that I can't remember. Adam loved it though!
Tessa brought home this beautiful Sun God she made in Art Class. I hope someday she and I can sit down together and giggle about the way she loves to dress herself. Her Great Grandma Lemley would sure have gotten a kick out of Tessa and her "fashion". 
March madness brackets of all kinds adorn Adam's bedroom walls during March.
This month, Adam celebrated his one year anniversary of piano lessons. His teacher wrote this note in his assignment book one week. She is constantly amazed at how good he is and is telling me he needs to be rewarded with ice cream or something. Which Adam is totally loving!
 Snuggles and Selfies. Gwen is always telling me to hold 2 babies. 

 Life with Gwen is never dull. She loves to dress up and play princess. She wears her royal clothes everywhere we go. 
She loves her sunglasses, but she insists on wearing them upside down. 
 This shirt needs no explanation. It's my life...
 While she waited to get her pictures taken, she got to watch Frozen for a few minutes and was thrilled to do so!
 The crash after the photo shoot. 

 Caleb loves books. Not to read, but to eat!

 He is seriously the cutest thing ever!
 Now if we could just get him to eat and sleep.

 His other favorite thing to eat...a remote control.
 I got to share my love of memory keeping with some of the women at church for a Talent Show. I don't really consider memory keeping a talent, but I am good at it and I love it. 

 We celebrated Pi Day. Everyone got their own individual pies this year.
He is started to scoot himself backwards and wedge himself under the furniture. 
Mommy helped throw Aunt Gillian a baby shower. We can't wait to meet baby Gia. 
March Madness....what more can I say?
 Mommy and Daddy were helping grade some tests for Adam's teacher when Daddy came across Adam's history test and found this....
He added option D to question 22 with the answer, "BYU". 
 Spring soccer began. 
Never again! It has been so cold. We will stick to fall soccer from now on. But he is loving it. 

Adam has been teaching Caleb how to dribble a ball. These 2 are going to be the best buds someday!
Adam brought home a bunch of math tests the other day. I took a picture for his scrapbook. Every test has an A on it. (He's doing 5th grade math).
One of the main things we needed to do for Caleb to recover from his surgery, was let him soak in a bath daily. Well, Caleb HATES baths! If he hears the water running, he starts screaming. It takes 2 of us to bathe him because he goes stiff as a board and won't bend his body. So there wasn't a lot of soaking going on. One morning, I let Gwen get in the bath and decided to try getting Caleb in there too. To my complete surprise, he didn't make a peep. In fact, he loved it and was laughing his head off at Gwen the whole time. So, now everyday they get to take a bath together and Caleb hasn't fussed about it once. Weird, weird baby!
 Tessa has been a great cheerleader for Adam's soccer team.
 Caleb is big enough to sit in the shopping cart with Gwen. We still haven't decided if this is a good or bad thing. She tends to smoother him just a bit.
 Mommy surprised Tessa with her favorite spring flowers. 
 All the Lemley girls came over to watch Women's Conference. 
It was fun to get together with everyone. 

1 comment:

sleepless said...

Hang in there super busy mama. You are doing a most excellent job raising your delightful children !