Monday, August 3, 2015

Summer of Fun-Week 7

We had kind of a blah week last week. Caleb hasn't been feeling great, or sleeping much, so Mommy has been pooped. 
The kids started their week with a fun sleepover at Ma and Pa's house. They had so much fun! Monday, Mommy got caught up on the laundry and enjoyed a couple of hours of peace while Caleb got a good nap.
That night, the kids got to stay up a little late and watch some Studio C, which is their favorite show!
 Tuesday was consumed with pictures. Getting hair done, getting everyone fed and dressed and to the photo studio in one piece took up most of our day. 
Wednesday afternoon, we took a long walk to Wendy's for Frosty's. The kids thought this was a great idea until they had to walk all the way home after the treats were gone. 
 Wednesday we went to the Springville Art Museum for their Chalk Festival. We saw some cool dancers all the way from Belgium, the kids got to add their own art work to the sidewalks, and we saw some beautiful art work from other artists. 

Thursday morning we went to the Library. Tessa got to be the EMT's special helper. He put the pulse- ox reader on her finger to show the other kids how it worked, but Tessa is so skinny it took forever to get a reading. Luckily, one eventually showed up and he said it was perfectly normal. 
Adam, Tessa, and Gwen all finished their summer reading programs.
Thursday was a special day for Tessa. Her bbf, Camdyn, who just moved to Michigan came for a visit. They got to spend a whole afternoon together and Tessa was in heaven!
 We spent some nice summer evenings outside. 

 This is when Mommy finally gets to bed most nights. Caleb has been awful this week. We are living on 2-4 hours of sleep a night. Please let this end soon!

 Friday Aunt Katy flew home from Washington DC. She is all done with her schooling and is home! We are so happy to have her back!
The weekend was full of a fussy baby, grocery shopping, and yard work. We did manage to squeeze in a fun little hike up Payson Canyon on Saturday. 

 Tessa loved being our hiking leader. 

 Gwennie was a little tired out by the time we got home. 

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