Sunday, March 20, 2016

St. Patrick's Day 2016

Our St. Patrick's Day was pretty low key this year. The night before, the kids decorated their box for the Leprechaun's and left it in the moonlight in hopes of finding it full of treasures in the morning. 
 They woke up excited to see if anything had been left and they found a giant green mess in our house. They followed the path of the green mess and found their box hiding in the bathtub full of fun things!
 We had a yummy breakfast of green pancakes and rainbow fruit.
 We had a fun dinner with lot of green food and Mommy made mint truffles for dessert. That was a wrap on our day. Gwennie and her friends did a few art projects during the week. We are getting ready for Easter now. They are too close together this year.

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