Monday, April 18, 2016

March Memories

 Ever since we saw "Joseph" in February, we have listened to the soundtrack constantly. One afternoon while we waited for Adam at piano lessons, I caught Tessa hanging out the car window "acting out" and singing "Close Every Door". It was pretty entertaining. I wish I had taken a picture when she had her arms raised to the sky. She was very into her scene!
 I had an afternoon with no babysitting kids and Caleb and Gwen were sitting happily and quietly in front of a show. I decided to take advantage of that and got some much needed work done down in our basement. When I came up a bit later to check on everyone, Caleb was gone. I searched the house, calling him frantically, and couldn't find him anywhere. I was checking closets and showers and under beds. He was no where. I began to freak out! Then I checked Adam's closet one more time. This is what I found behind the closet door.  A sleeping boy, surrounded by his favorite dinosaurs. After my heart slowed down a bit, I took a picture to document the cute and frantic occasion. 
 Tessa had a Show What You Know in March. Her class sang a poem they learned about Geology. 

 Caleb knows that going to the grocery store means treats. He got a cookie and a doughnut from the bakery. Then he couldn't decided which one to eat first. He had a death grip on both!
 You can't see the toys all around him and the car, but we don't leave home without some kind of Star Wars paraphernalia with us. Including movie cases. 
 Adam has been leaving us messages in the bathroom after his showers. They are usually something that has to do with BYU, but occasionally we get a funny one like this. They are funny because Adam is too nice to actually say this to anyone. 

 Gwen gets so frustrated at bedtime when we send the kids to bed to read, because she can't read. So Daddy decided to help her with that and in a matter of minutes, she was reading Bob Books all by herself! She was so proud and excited! She wanted to tell everyone that she could read.

 Every year for Easter, we have a special FHE on Easter and the Atonement. We always end it by watching The Lamb of God. Gwen hates this movie and literally freaks out watching it. If her eyes weren't covered, she was sobbing. She doesn't like seeing the bad guys hurt Jesus and she doesn't like seeing when Jesus is hurt. It makes us all laugh, but really, it's sweet to see her respond this way to the Savior and his suffering. 
 Caleb got promoted to Big Boy status at the dinner table. He got a booster chair and he loves it!
 Gwen was so happy to get a package in the mail just for her!! Mamma sent her some new books to read. (And Gwen insists that her hair is in 2 braids daily.)

 We got to go to the spring scrimmage and watch some football!!
 I always love finding the kids when they are this age, playing with their toys. It is so fun to see their personalities and imaginations start to grow. 
 Mommy and Daddy occasionally help grade papers for Adam and Tessa's teachers. This is what a Friday night date looks like sometimes. 
 Adam had his first research paper assignment. He had a lot to do and he did most of the work himself. Mom spent one afternoon helping him. He did a great job on the research part and typing his paper. He also had to prepare a presentation board and a 1 minute presentation. He worked hard and had everything prepared and ready to go a whole week before the assignment was even due. He's a hard worker!

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