Thursday, August 4, 2016

Summer of Fun-Week 7

We still have several weeks left of summer, but I feel like it's coming to an end already. The last 2 months have gone by so quickly. We are not ready to start thinking about school. 
Last Monday was Pioneer Day. Daddy gets Pioneer Day off with his new job, so we were able to have a great holiday together as a family. We started our day bright and early as we participated in the Temple to Temple Run. Or stroll in our case. We were down a stroller this year and the kids took their turns walking. We learned that we would not have made very good pioneers, but we made it from the old Provo temple to the new Provo temple in just over an hour. And considering we were in a crowd of almost 14,000 people, that's not too bad. 

 We lost Tessa for a few minutes, which was terrifying, but we all made it over the finish line together. Caleb crashed on the way home. Daddy carried him almost the entire way. That must have been exhausting....for Caleb. 
 We decided to spend our afternoon at the Springville reservoir, which was super fun. The water was freezing cold, but the kids had a blast. 

 Daddy was the nice one who swam with the kids,so Mommy got to relax on the grass and soak up some sun. 

 Caleb was not happy about being separated from his Daddy and waiting his turn to swim. 
 As if we didn't do enough on Monday, we ended our day by going to the movies and seeing the Jungle Book, which we loved. Caleb loved the animals and sat through most of the movie. He's watched the cartoon version of Jungle Book about 20 times since then. 

Tuesday we spent some time at the library. Adam and Tessa had their final activity, and the kids all got their final prizes for finishing the summer reading program. 
 Adam had Pack Meeting Tuesday night, where they played water dodge ball. 
 Mommy had a busy week of doctors appointments to get ready for her upcoming surgery. Adam was a huge help as he babysat a lot for me while I was gone. I had a CAT scan one day, a physical another, and a final consultation with my Surgeon. It was a lot for one week, but I have the green light and we are ready to get this over with!
 We babysat cousins this week. Caleb and Gia had fun on the stairs. 
 We also did science experiments this week. We tried to make a bouncing egg. It didn't turn out quite right, but it was still cool to watch. 
 Since our days were so busy and Mom was gone a lot, our evenings were spent swimming in the backyard. 

 On Thursday, Aunt Jodi took care of the girls and got them all ready for school with haircuts. It was like Christmas Day for Gwen who loves getting her hair cut. She asks me all the time, "Why can't I just be grown up so I can be a haircutter like Aunt Jodi?!"

 We decided to make a drastic change with Tessa's hair to help her be able to manage it a bit better and it turned out beautifully!

 It was crazy hot this week, so we did a lot of inside activities. The kids made puppets and put on shows for each other and they made a movie, which was quite entertaining. 
 More evening swimming with late night treats. 
 The girls played "Mothers" one afternoon and I found their "to do" list. 
 Friday we headed to the park and splash pad. It was crazy hot, but the kids had a lot of fun with their friends. 

Saturday was yard work day and that afternoon, Mommy and Daddy got to go on a date to the movies and out to a yummy dinner. Mommy is trying to enjoy eating for a few more days while she still can. 

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