Monday, August 8, 2016

Summer of Fun-Week 8

Adam had a pretty exciting week, but the rest of us had a pretty mellow week, which was nice. 
Adam got to attend an all week sports camp at BYU and he had so much fun! Each day they played a different sport and when I picked him up every afternoon, he had a giant grin on his face and a lot of sweat running down his cheeks. 

 He got to do gymnastics and track, soccer, football, baseball, and basketball. He loved getting to hang out with the football team and play football at the stadium, but he said playing basketball was his very favorite. 

 Mommy has been getting a lot prepared for her surgery next week. We have been cleaning and preparing freezer meals, and grocery shopping. Mommy also indulged a little since she won't be eating for 6 weeks. We also had friends over to play a couple of days this week. 
 We have been so excited for the Olympics to start this summer! I had planned on doing a big Olympics party with a family Olympics in the backyard and a big Opening Ceremonies party. But life had other plans this summer, so we settled for a small pizza party while we watched the Opening Ceremonies. And it was fun!! We are so excited to cheer on Team USA for the next 2 weeks. We can't wait to see Michael Phelps make more Olympic history!

 Mommy was thankful to get to spend an early Saturday morning at the Temple. It was just what I needed. 
Mamma arrived on Sunday to help out while Mommy is recovering. The kids could hardly contain their excitement!! They are ready to have a fun week with her and Mommy is anxious to get this surgery over with and get on with life. Always an adventure....

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