Saturday, October 1, 2016

Beauty and the Beast

 Last week, we got to spend a wonderful evening together at the Theater, seeing Beauty and the Beast! The oldest 3 got to go with Mom and Dad (Gwen was thrilled to finally be big enough) and Caleb got to spend the evening with Ma and Pa. After school, I told the kids to dress in something nice for the show. I thought they all did a very good job picking out a nice outfit. And Gwen looked especially amazing in her princess gown and fur coat. 

 Gwen wanted to sit in the middle of Mommy and Daddy in case she got a little scared. 

 These goofy kids. 
It's their new goal to be goofy in as many pictures as they can. 
 Gwen's sparkly red shoes were the perfect addition to her fabulous outfit. 
 The show was so wonderful!! Gwen giggled through most of it and loved seeing Belle! Tessa leaned over during one part and said she wanted chandeliers in her room like they had on set. 
 After the show, we got to meet some of the cast. Mrs. Pots just gushed over Gwen and her dress and how cute she was. Then Mrs. Pots gave Adam and Tessa some special attention and told them how nice they had dressed to come to the show. She was super sweet to all of them. 

 Then she taught them all how to be teapots. 
 We loved Gaston and Le Fou. They stole the show!
 Then Gwen's dreams came true and the kids got to meet Belle and the "Beast". Belle gave Gwen a hug and they hugged and hugged and hugged. It was super cute!

 The kids got visit with them for a few minutes and then we had to let other kids have a turn. But Gwen didn't want to leave. Belle of course loved seeing Gwen dressed up like her. 
 Before we left them, Gwen gave Belle two pictures she colored especially for her. Belle gushed and gushed over them and asked Gwen if she could keep them forever. Gwen was thrilled!
 We had such a great time! The kids looked through the plays for next year and already picked out everything they want to see. I'm so glad they love going to the Theater as much as Daddy and I do!

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