Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Fall Break-Part 2

Wednesday we got to babysit Gia. After a yummy breakfast of cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate, we loaded the babies up and went for a walk on our beautiful river trail. Adam and Tessa pushed the babies the entire way. It was nice having helpers around. The weather was perfect and the fall colors were just beautiful.  

 After our walk, we made brownie haunted houses. I gave the kids a giant brownie square and some goodies and let them go to town. They all came up with their own designs and had fun.

 Later in the afternoon, we met up with Uncle Ryan and Uncle Alex at the pumpkin patch.
 The corn pit never gets old. 

 They climbed to the top of the hay stacks and then Caleb felt left out, so Uncle Alex helped him get up to the top. 

 We attempted the big corn maze. We wandered for a while and then Tessa found a shortcut out into the pumpkin fields. We eventually made it back to the beginning, but we had to get creative, which the kids loved. 

 Caleb loved the tractor ride!
 That evening, the kids gathered around the computer to watch a church broadcast with Studio C. It was uplifting to hear their testimonies and to hear about how they have drawn closer to the Savior from different experiences in their lives. The kids loved listening to them. It was a great way to end our busy day. 

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