Saturday, July 7, 2012

Little Heroes Basketball Camp

Adam has had an amazing experience these past 3 days! A couple of weeks ago we signed him up for the Travis Hansen Little Heroes Basketball Camp and it did not disappoint! Adam had an amazing time, learned some new skills, and met some awesome people. I am so thankful he had this opportunity and plan on sending him every year from now on! While the kids learn basketball skills and some fundamentals of the game, the main focus of this camp is to teach kids to work hard and become a good person. The men and women who run this camp are good, good people and I am thankful that Adam was able to learn from them this week and will always have their examples to learn from!
 The first day of camp!

 Adam is right under the basket...I really needed a zoom lens this week!
 They practiced how to roll the ball around their knees and ankles.
 Travis Hansen and Coach Rose. On Thursday Coach Rose came to talk to the kids about how important it is to be a nice person and used Jimmer as an example. He told the kids that it is great to be a good basketball player, but it's even more important to be a nice person and to keep your word.

 Travis talked to the kids about the importance of kindness and hard work.
 Adam's dribbling improved so much over 3 days and today (Saturday) he won the speedy dribbling contest! His prize was a pair of wrist bands.
 Adam is a VERY good shooter and hardly ever misses a free throw.
On Friday, Coach Cleveland coached Adam's little group!

 Brandon Davies and Charles Abouo came to play with all the kids and help coach. That's Brandon Davies shooting with Adam.
 Adam getting ready to shoot with Coach Cleveland cheering him on!

 Oh, how he loves this game!!

 I am glad he isn't too cool to wave at his mom!
 To help emphasize the importance of being a nice and kind person, the kids participated in a service project yesterday. They put together school kits for schools in Utah. 

 Adam with Charles Abouo and Brandon Davies

 Morning warm ups. That's Adam bending over and in the red shorts. It was hilarious to watch how uncoordinated little boys were doing these drills.

 At the very end of camp, Travis called a few kids out of the crowd to shoot some free throws for a prize. He picked Adam (that's him in the red shorts), but sadly he missed his shot:( Oh well, still lucky to have been picked!
 Travis talked to the kids again about the importance of practice and being kind. He also talked to the kids about reading and told them to read a lot because it would make them smart! He told them that over the last 3 days, the coaches had been watching all the kids and they picked about 10 kids who had exemplified being a good teammate and being super kind to others. Each of these kids were given a trophy and Adam was one of them!!! I was one proud Mommy! Way to go Big Guy!
 Adam with Travis Hansen
 Adam got Brandon and Charles to sign his shirt.

Our Little Hero!!

1 comment:

Kara said...

oh my goodness! I am almost in tears I am so excited for Adam! How lucky!