Sunday, June 23, 2013

Summer of Fun-Week 4

It has been another fun, but exhausting week!! There has been so much going on and the kids have been up late and up early everyday this week. We have also had some tummy bugs going around, but thankfully that didn't slow us down too much. 
On Monday, Mommy, Adam, and Tessa spent a few hours at Seven Peaks with Jodi and her kids. It was a lot of fun, but we were worn out! Gwen got to spend the day with Mamma.
We have been having fun keeping track of our summer reading. As of Tuesday, Adam had read 16 chapter books and Tessa and Mommy had read about 16 books. 
Not sure why, but Gwen's new favorite toys are the salad dressings. She gets them out of the fridge and then slides around the floor on them. 
This was Adam's last week of baseball. He had a great game Tuesday night with a great hit! He was anxious to get home after the game because he had a very important NBA championship game to watch!

Wednesday was our David day!! A wonderful and emotionally exhausting day!
Thursday we made it to Story Time. This week was all about dogs. That held Gwen's interest for a bit. 

She LOVES Pirate Booty! She eats it all the time.

Thursday was Adam's last baseball game. Ma, Pa, and Uncle David came down to watch him. He was so glad they came! (photos courtesy of Pa)

After the game, Uncle Danny and Ares came down to celebrate Danny's birthday and to watch the last NBA championship game with Adam and David. Adam was thrilled that the Heat won! Mommy was thrilled the game didn't go into overtime!
There have been a lot of neighborhood basketball games this week!
Friday was wedding day. We went to Tim Richards wedding and it was lovely. 
Tessa was so excited to help clean the church after we ate lunch. She cleaned all the windows by herself and told everyone, "That's my job!"
Adam cracks us up with his reading everywhere we go.
Our Frusins-Amiee and Tim

Adam couldn't decided what to eat and what not to eat at the reception, so he settled on one of everything!
No Saturday morning cartoons for this boy....he wanted to finished reading Wayside School is Falling Down, for the third time. 
Saturday was a day full of errands and cooking. Mommy prepared a lot of the food for David's homecoming on Sunday. One of our stops was the car wash. Gwennie is not a fan!

Sunday was David's homecoming. He gave a beautiful talk and is so full of the missionary spirit!
After church, he and Matt got a good brotherly wrestling match in before lunch. 

Eric and David finally had a chance to talk about Recife. They spent a good two hours sharing stories and going through pictures. 

Adam has made up for being sick...he made himself a rice krispy/cookie sandwich. 
Gwen finally let Uncle Danny hold her and they took a nice nap together. They eventually made their way to a blanket and slept for about an hour. It was cute!
Tessa is still loving gymnastics and has been busy drawing everyone she knows pictures. She is quite the little artist. 
Eric also completed his first full year of school this week! One down, one to go!! He has the month of July off of school, so we are looking forward to spending some much needed time together!!

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