Tuesday, July 9, 2013

18 Months Old

I have no idea how she got so old so quickly! We are so thankful that she is a happy and healthy little girl, but we hate the fact that she is growing up so fast. On July 3rd, Gwen turned 18 months old! She had her 18 month check up with Dr. Paxton that morning. He declared her a perfectly healthy little girl! She got some shots and as always, it was more traumatic for Adam and Tessa than Gwen. Tessa asked to leave the room so she wouldn't see Gwen upset. 
We have always thought Tessa was a independent spirit, but Gwen might give her a run for her money. At 18 months old, Gwen is SO very independent! She loves to do things herself and isn't fond of people helping her. She does her best to keep up with her brother and sister and she does a fairly good job of it! She still isn't talking much, but her comprehension amazes people. Her new favorite phrase to say is, "It's hot!" 
 Trying to dress herself....

 Gwen loves to be outside!!! She loves to play in the dirt, but also hates getting her hands dirty. She still loves baths, reading, Mickey Mouse, her binky, and her favorite song is "Wheels on the Bus". She is a joy and we love having her fun and happy personality in our home!
 Gwen also officially started Nursery. Also bittersweet!!  She hates the first few minutes without Mommy or Daddy around, but then she does pretty well. This was her first Nursery picture.
The past 18 months has flown by! We hope the next 18 months slow down a little bit...for all 3 of the kids. It is so fun watching them learn and develop talents and interests. But it is bittersweet as I know that we only have them with us for a matter of years. I try my hardest to remember that and make them my priority. I hope they will always know how much Eric and I love and adore them...even at 3 in the morning when they are all in our bed. Being a parent is the hardest and most wonderful job in the world! I wouldn't trade these Monkey's of mine for anything!!!

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