Friday, February 7, 2014

Family Update

I feel like there are a million things I could write about. I guess I better just start at the beginning of the week.
Eric had school last weekend, so we postponed our Chinese New Year feast until he was home Saturday night. It was yummy and I forgot to take pictures. Because I felt like I needed to cook for an army, we ate Chinese food for days. Someday I will learn....
Sunday was Groundhog Day. I whipped up our favorite Groundhog pancakes before we headed off to church. 

 Adam and Tessa both celebrated the 100th day of school with their classes this week. Adam got to dress up like an old man. He loved his dollar store glasses from Daddy. Adam thought he looked like Pa, which he loved! Tessa got to make a shirt with 100 things on it. She decided to do 100 googly eyes. She also made a necklace with 100 beads. She said she couldn't wait to tell her class, "I've got my eyes on you!!"

 Tess is also reading so well! I love finding her reading to herself. 
Don't let this picture fool's very rare occurrence. Gwen hardly naps anymore and always ends up in our bed at night. I love her to death, but I feel like I never have a break from her. When she does happen to fall asleep in the afternoon, I do love to just snuggle her. 
 If you come to our house, you will either find Gwen running through the house stark naked or completely decked out in her dress up clothes. There is no happy medium. This week she started ripping off her diapers and hiding from me behind the curtains.

 She lives in her high heels.
 She is also our cookie thief. I often find her sneaking cookies. Her favorite snack is chips and salsa. Once her chips are gone, she literally drinks the salsa out of the bowl. 

Eric has been very busy and gone a lot if feels like. He is right in the middle of his capstone project, which he is the team leader on, so he is feeling  a lot of pressure right now. I feel like we both have senioritis. He is so close to finishing his program and we are both so ready for it to be over!
I am having a rough time-gonna keep it real here. I had another doctor appt this week and sort of heard the baby's heartbeat. It was hard to hear over my own heartbeat which seems to be out of control. My heart is constantly pounding and racing. Not sure what's going on, but I've been told to just drink more water. I feel like a walking lake. But, the baby is alive and hopefully well.
I have been so emotional and anxious with this pregnancy. That is not normal for me. I can't seem to snap out of it. We also found a house that we fell in love with this week and almost bought until we prayed hard about it and knew that although the house was perfect for us, the timing wasn't. I spent most of Wednesday crying over that one. After 9 1/2 years of living in limbo, not knowing where we will end up, I am beyond ready to plant some roots and just be. With our luck, that will never happen like I want it to. 
Overall, I can't complain-we have been very blessed and I know we will continue to be blessed. Waiting can be difficult though. 
I am starting to feel better in the mornings, but am still really sick in the afternoons and evenings. I am ashamed to admit how much TV my kids have watched in the last month, but I feel like I am still in survival mode. I am making it through this with lots of praying and Josh Groban. I swear that man was put on the earth for me. His voice and music calm me down like nothing else can. I am hoping in the next 3 weeks or so I will start to feel like myself again. 
We are excited to watch the Olympics the next couple of weeks! Those will for sure make me cry, but in a good way:)

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