Monday, February 10, 2014

Jazz vs Heat

We wanted to get Adam to a Jazz game this season, and when we saw the Heat were coming to town, we knew that was the game!! Eric bought tickets for the 2 boys and they had a blast at the game!! They were way up in the nose bleed section, but Adam could have cared less. They had fun cheering the Jazz on to victory and Adam loved seeing LeBron James. 
They were even on TV during the half time show! They called to tell us girls to watch for them and sure enough, we saw them waving like crazy!
Uncle Matt and Aunt Gillian were at the game too-in the 10th row! They were nice enough to give Adam and Eric their tickets during the 3rd quarter so Adam could have a closer view. He even got a free Jazz blanket! He loved every minute of  being at the game and hasn't stopped talking about it! I'm so glad he was able to go make some fun memories with his Daddy. 

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