Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Life around here is never dull. And that's just the way we like it. 
These two girls love bath time! They love being in water in general, but they love taking baths! As of recently, bath time has turned into torture time. They both like to see who can make the other one scream the loudest. My ears are ringing and the floor is soaked by the time they are done, but at least they are having fun. 

 Adam was invited to attend the Blue and Gold Banquet for Cub Scouts. He was excited about this for weeks and is constantly asking what exact day he gets to go to Scouts. I can't believe he is that old!
Before I knew it, he had inhaled 2 hot dogs, plus a bunch of other food. We learned not to make a growing boy wait too long for his dinner. 

 In more Adam news, he started piano lessons last week and is loving it! His teacher said he is the most ready boy she has ever had. We are excited to watch and hear his progress. 
A couple of weeks ago, he finished the 4th Harry Potter book and is already halfway through the 5th book. 
 Ma surprised him at school last Friday as the Mystery Reader for his class!
 Here's a lame shot of my 15 week belly a couple of weeks ago. Gwen was not cooperating, so I didn't get a good picture. My belly continues to grow and I am finally starting to feel this baby move!
 For the past several weeks, all I have wanted is fruit. I have eaten more grapes and strawberries than I care to admit. 
 My early morning snuggle buddies. 
On weekends when Daddy is away, I am usually joined by these two who think every night and early morning should be a slumber party. And by early, I'm talking 6:30 on a Saturday morning. I can't get Tessa out of bed on school days, but she can't sleep in on the weekend. Go figure.
 Gwennie is our chips and salsa girl. Once her chips are gone, she drinks the salsa like it's leftover milk. She is constantly asking for her favorite snack. 
 Tessa's birthday note to her cousin, Symphony. We all loved how she spelled "Symphony".
 Tessa rockin' her new hat. I love her elf ears.
 Our weather has been crazy lately! One day we are totally bundled up in our winter clothes and the next day the kids are outside digging for worms. 
 Last Sunday I was "that mom" in church, taking pictures of my kids. Gwen just looked too cute coloring so intensely. I had to snap a quiet shot. Gwen loves to sing-especially the hymns during Sacrament meeting. She has to sit with her own hymn book in her lap and she sings gibberish at the top of her lungs during each hymn. She had us all laughing last Sunday as she ended her song with the grand finale, "In Summer!!!!!!"

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