Tuesday, March 18, 2014

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day was fun and very green for our little family this year. Sunday night, we read "The Legend of the Leprechaun" and then the kids decorated their treasure box and left it in the moonlight for our Leprechaun to fill. 

  Gwen got to decorate the inside of the box. 
 Adam and Tessa were up bright and early Monday morning to find a green mess left by the Leprechaun all over the house. Tessa was convinced she had heard a Leprechaun giggling during the night. 

 They found their treasure and were excited about all of their new green treats!

 We let Gwen sleep in because she hasn't been feeling very good. Adam was excited to show her everything they got. Gwennie was most excited about the bubbles!
We had our favorite green pancakes and rainbow fruit for breakfast and Mommy made some other fun green foods to eat for other meals. Tessa loved her green pasta for lunch!
 They wore as much green as they possibly could. Tessa even had me paint her nails green. She was so excited to wear this rainbow ribbon in her hair. Rainbow is her favorite color. 

 My two little beauties. We had a fun afternoon together.
 We had delicious Ruben Sandwiches for dinner and finished up our evening with some Shamrock shakes for  a Family Home Evening treat. It was a very happy St. Patrick's Day!

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