Monday, February 29, 2016

Wrapping Up February

I have got to get better at blogging more frequently. These posts are getting too long! February is coming to an end and we have a lot of things to remember from our month. 
 We have been giving the older kids more opportunities to teach lessons during Family Home Evening. Tessa taught our scripture story lesson this month and she did a great job!
 Waiting to get her pictures taken. When did she grow up?
 Adam has been begging to watch Star Wars with Caleb. Luckily, he had an early out day from school, so they had a free afternoon to watch their favorite movie. 
 Tessa got heart attacked by the Activity Day girls. She can't wait to turn 8 and start going to Activity Days!
 These crazy girls are always playing dress up. They got all dressed up one afternoon and pretended like they were at the beach. 
 We had a week of crazy fog! The frost and ice was so cool to look at, but scary to drive in. 
 Daddy took a quick business trip to San Fransisco. He didn't get to do any site seeing, but he thought the city was pretty cool.

Uncle Ben and Clarissa came to watch one of Adam's basketball games. 
 Caleb and Stevie

 We were so happy to have our cousins come and spend an afternoon with us. I wish we all lived closer to each other!
 It's Star Wars all day, every day for this boy. 

 Daddy took the kids on a frosty morning walk on the river trail. 

On President's Day, we met up with our Lemley family and had a fun party at the church. We played Volleyball and party games and celebrated Pa's birthday. It was a lot of fun!

 It warmed up to 50 degrees on day. So of course, the kids thought that meant they needed to wear shorts and flip flops. 

 We had a day off of school, so we spent the afternoon at the Bean Museum and the Creamery with our friends. We love BYU!
 Mommy and Daddy got to sneak away for some time at the temple. 
 Ma and Pa came to one of Adam's games. Ma told Adam she was proud of what a good team player he is. 
 Tessa learned how to ride her bike! That deserved a treat from Kneaders with Mommy!
 Mint Brownie's are her favorite!
 Adam and Daddy got to go to a couple more BYU basketball games. They had a great time!

 Adam and his cheerleaders!
 Sunday breakfast! Mommy's favorite time of the week. 
 Mommy got called to be the ward choir director. It's a rather terrifying calling and my first practice was eh. But, it's getting better and I love being able to be doing something with music. 
 Our dramatic Gwen, who was too busy thinking about her best friend, Presley to eat her dinner. 
 Our favorite FHE activity....watching Studio C.
The kids are all in bed....hopefully folding mounds of laundry won't take all night. Mommy's normal Monday night activity.
 We went and saw Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. The kids loved it and we had such a great time!!

 Mommy and Daddy got to speak in Sacrament Meeting. 
 Warmer weather means picnic time! We had friends over and had a picnic and played backyard games. A perfect afternoon.

Even Mommy played!
 Downton Abbey ended. Mommy will be in mourning for a while. And yes, I did need the tissues. 

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