Friday, March 4, 2016

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

Wednesday, we got to celebrate one of our favorite authors-Dr. Seuss. We started off our day by the kids waking up to the house being decorated for a party! They were so surprised. Mommy made Cat in the Hat pancakes for breakfast and we got Adam and Tessa off to school. 

Later in the morning, we had a special preschool party for Gwennie and some of her friends.
We sorted goldfish, made Cat in the Hat masks, played Pin the Heart on the Grinch, painted Thing 1 and Thing 2, made Goo Goo Goggles, made Cat in the Hat pizza for lunch and Cat in the Hat cupcakes for dessert. 

We had a Seussical dinner too! Mommy made Green Eggs and Ham, Who Hash, Grinchy green bean casserole, and Cat in the Hat Jell-o cups. They also made their own Cat in the Hat cupcakes after dinner. We finished up our day by watching The Lorax and reading some Dr. Seuss books before bed. It was a busy day, but a lot of fun!

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